Before you can get started with a donor cycle. You must first go through the egg donor application, interview with our team, be added to our database and be selected by an Intended Parent.

The first step in becoming an egg donor with our agency is to complete the online egg donation application which asks a series of questions about your personal life, personal health, family health, personality, and education. This application is really important and we ask that you take the time to properly review all of the questions and answer honestly and openly. Once you have completed and submitted your application, it is reviewed first by our donor team to see if you seem like a good fit for our program. If you seem like a good fit, we will reach out to set up a phone interview with one of our donor coordinators who will go over everything in detail and answer any questions you may have.

If you are added to our donor program, we will use your application answers to create a custom online profile which can be reviewed in our password protected database by our intended parents and later will be shared with the treating physician. Having a great profile that reflects who you are accuretly is very important. If you think your profile needs a little work or doesn’t show you in the best possible light, we encourage you to login to your account to update this information before our meeting. Is very important as well that you have included several good quality photos of yourself that both reflect what you look like today as well as some cute shots from your childhood.
Say Cheese! Most intended parents are looking for someone who has features that resemble their own family. This is why good profile photos are so important and should include photos of you at different ages which are clear and best reflect who you are. Filters are great for Instagram but we prefer the real you for our donor database!
In our interview we will review the answers you provided in your application to make sure that we have all the details that we need. If you do not have much information on your family health history, we may ask you to go back and speak with your relatives to clarify if they have any specific diseases or to identify the cause of death for your parents or grandparents. We do require that you know at least 1/2 of your biological family health history in order to be a donor with our program. We do not expect you to have perfect health and we expect every donor will have some things in her health history. All we ask for is honestly and openness. Also, since family health can change at any point, we ask our donors to update us with any substantial changes to their own personal health as well as their family’s health while they are a part of our donor program. You can always log on an update this information or call or email one of our team members.

There is also a section in the application about your education. We may ask you for academic verification documents such as transcripts or SAT scores. If this is requested, our agency will cover the cost of obtaining these documents and will let Intended Parents know your academics have been verified which can be important to some clients.
A lot of donors want to know how long it will take to get matched. For some donors, it only takes a few days while for others a few months or even a year. Rarely, we have some donors who may not find a suitable match. It’s very important that you keep your information current and up-to-date with us. When our office reaches out to you, please respond promptly.
When we have a possible match for you we will try to reach you by either email phone or text. If we reach out and don’t hear from you within a few days we may move onto the next candidate so it’s really important that you try to get back to us as soon as possible. Once we have connected, we will tell you a little about the Intended Parent or Parents who are interested, where they are located, and what the travel requirements would be if you were to work with them as well as the estimated timeline to make sure that it sounds like a good match. At this point, it’s way too early to give you an exact calendar but we will tell you the approximate months we are looking at to see what your schedule looks like. It’s really important to us that you not agree to a cycle unless you are truly committed to seeing it through as this is a huge financial and emotional process for the Intended Parents. We encourage you to share any reservations or concerns you may have upfront so that we can address them and make sure it is a good match before we proceed. Once matched, you will sign a contract with our agency and we will move forward with the screening process.
Still have questions? No problem. Feel free to call our agency at 310.822.0671 to discuss your questions with one of our donor intake coordinators.